Black Moon by Nisha Umer is a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and resilience set against a backdrop of dark secrets and mysterious events. The story revolves around Rania, a young woman whose life takes a drastic turn when she moves to a secluded town to escape her troubled past. The town, shrouded in eerie folklore about a cursed black moon, hides secrets that begin to unravel as Rania finds herself drawn to an enigmatic stranger, Haider. Despite his cold demeanor, Haider seems to share a mysterious connection with Rania, sparking a relationship that is as intense as it is dangerous.
As Rania delves deeper into the town’s myths and Haider’s guarded world, she discovers a sinister truth tied to the black moon and its curse. Faced with impossible choices, she must confront her fears and fight against forces beyond her understanding to protect the people she loves. Black Moon is a captivating blend of romance and suspense, where every decision carries the weight of destiny, and the line between good and evil blurs with each turn of the page.
Black Moon Complete Novel PDF Download
Novel | Black Moon |
Writer Name | Nisha Umer |
File Size | 60.90 MB |
File Type | PDF Format |
Download Option | Available |
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